Begining of...

2012, it will certainly be a milestone year for me. Coz I will reach 30yo and finish Uni the end of this year.

Anyway, in New Years day, I've had BBQ with my Brazilian married couple and their family, total 8 people within us.
Of course! we've dance samba, salsa and other Brazilian steps after having foods, beers and Cachaca that is Brazilian strong spirits.We did not realize how loud music we played at that time... After dancing, outside of the our building a few people complained our noise and yells.. OMG! it's bits embrace, LOL but it is their typical Brazilian weekend style my friends said.
Not only Brazil but all south American countries' culture might be interacted with music and dance deeply even not festival. I wanna explore more it and visit there...

That's my new year day... It was all drink as well.

Peace for Everybody, 2012.




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