digging...EGG records


Last week, I've got an old bicycle from a my Spanish friend going back his country soon, so my area of life is dramatically expanded! Moreover, I've got five vinyls, yet it was my first time in Australia.

Yesterday morning, I went to Newtown, it tooks almost 1h from my place.
I've been there once, but it was late evening and busy because of Sly and Robbie、LAURYN HILL concert in Enmore Theater. Even though, such a short time visit, I am able to remember there are lots of small posh boutiques and 2nd-hands books or electrics shops. From the atmosphere of them, I reminisced about my previous life at Shimokitazawa in Japan due to the similarity of both towns characteristics: bit disorganised, complected and maggot and happy people.

Actually, my real purpose of being there was digging sound, old vinyls from mountain of vinyls, which is one of my habit and also can be unrecoverable sickness which means uncontrolled myself.. I think most of my friends have same custom (right??); thus, we unconsciously enter music shops when we found the letter 'vinyl' on the sign in the street even we don't have enough time. lol
I just bought five singles; however, I don't have LP player now. Someone give it to me!!

Anyway, I'll introduce reader several nice sound shops in Sydney.

The shop of today is 'EGG records' 2nd-hands music shop in Newtown near to train station, behind ANZ bank.

I love it because of variety of musics with affordable prices that compare to Japan. There are also lots disco, dance, soul and jazz 12 inches discs those of them are especially my ideal. I've digged up almost all shelves. I don't know how often new discs are added into them, but I will probably go there once a month?? if I'm not being break. That's great shop!

EGG records

EGG on the turntable. looks yummy

I've just bought these five from $2 shelves.
one is a strange electric disco named 'GEISHA', I wanna drop this dance floor one day.. lol

In addition, I've accidentally found a treasure island; in other words, almost untouched vinyls of bush!! completely disorganised shelves within massive amount of discs..
not one shelf there are another shelves like this in there(secret)

SO, my treasure hunting(digging) just start now...and my University will be started from tomorrow too!!

see you..



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