Get Into the Groove - Getting Real .. モードに入る

Just some interesting article quoted in "Getting Real".

I often forget it, but it is important for doing anything.. worth it

Get Into the Groove

We all know that knowledge workers work best by getting into "flow", also known as being "in the zone", where they are fully concentrated on their work and fully tuned out of their environment. They lose track of time and produce great stuff through absolute concentration...trouble is that it's so easy to get knocked out of the zone. Noise, phone calls, going out for lunch, having to drive 5 minutes to Starbucks for coffee, and interruptions by coworkers — especially interruptions by coworkers — all knock you out of the zone. If you take a 1 minute interruption by a coworker asking you a question, and this knocks out your concentration enough that it takes you half an hour to get productive again, your overall productivity is in serious trouble.
—Joel Spolsky, software developer, Fog Creek Software
(from Where do These People Get Their (Unoriginal) Ideas?)

in Japanese

ナレッジ・ワーカー(knowledge worker)が最高の仕事を行うにはある種の「フロー」があることはよく知られている。それは、仕事に完全に集中し、外の環境を完全に遮断した「集中状態」ともしても知られている。完全に集中することで、時間に追われる感覚から抜け出し、素晴らしいものを作り出すことができるのだ。問題は外からの音、電話、昼食の外出、スタバでの5分休憩、同僚から話・質問・相談(これが大きいのだが)…そんなものは集中の妨げになる。もし同僚の質問に答えるのに1分使ってしまったら、元の集中状態に戻るのに1時間半かかり、せっかくいい形で進んでいた仕事も暗礁にのりあげる深刻な事態になるのだ。
—ジョエル・スポルスキー、「Fog Creek Software」ソフトウェア開発者
("Where do These People Get Their (Unoriginal) Ideas?"より)

My dad talked me quite similar story before..  his mantra may be..



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